If you want to know Freiburg im Breisgau and the area around it, FreiburgErLeben is the best way!
The people are so nice and they offer SO many sort of tours (I must confess that my favorite are the food-related ones…) and, since 2020, even the chance to do live your own adventure with Fuddertrail.
My illustrations are on their logos, gift cups, and on the maps that you will be given during the tours… have fun!
If you want to know Freiburg im Breisgau and the area around it, FreiburgErLeben is the best way!
The people are so nice and they offer SO many sort of tours (I must confess that my favorite are the food-related ones…) and, since 2020, even the chance to do live your own adventure with Fuddertrail.
My illustrations are on their logos, gift cups, and on the maps that you will be given during the tours… have fun!